Professional Resume Format for Freshers

professional resume format for freshers
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There are different kinds of resume formats like Resume format for MBA freshers, resumes for BCA freshers & many others. But if you are someone who is looking for a professional resume format as a fresher then you are at the right place.


Today in this article, I will share with you some of the professional resume formats for freshers. These Amazing resume formats will make your resume different and unique from others and leave a positive impact on the recruiterโ€™s mind.

Before we jump on to the different template designs. I will share with you a simple one-page format.

These are some important heading that you should keep in mind while preparing a resume.

[Your Name]ย 

Your name should be in bold & the font of your name should be larger than the rest of the font used in the resume. It will make it clear and easily visible among other headings.

[Contact Details]

You should mention your contact details just after your name & the font of your contact details should be normal like other headings used in the resumes. Your contact details consist of your Email Address and your Mobile number.

Donโ€™t mention your residence address in the contact details until it is not mandatory.

[Career Objective]

After your contact details, mention the objective of your career and what you are planning to achieve. You have to make sure your career objective should be aligned with the mission and vision of the company.

[Educational Qualification]

After mentioning your career objective, you should mention your educational qualification in a proper periodical manner. Start with the latest educational qualification you acquired.

[Skills & Knowledge]

Always mention the skill and knowledge you acquired. That will help the recruiter to know more about you and what profile suits you.


As you are a fresher but, if you did any kind of internship you should mention it in your resume.


Donโ€™t forget to mention the achievement of your life. It will give a better insight about yourself to the Recruiter.

[Hobbies & Interests]

Mention your Hobiess and interest in your resume. Your favorite sports / Activities & how do you spend your free or spare time.

These are some of the basic things which you have to mention while preparing your resume.

These are some images and document files simple and the best resumes for MBA freshers which you can check out. These pdf and document files are editable so that you can use them further.

Sample Resume for MBA freshers
Sample Resume for MBA freshers
Sample Resume for MBA freshers
Sample Resume for MBA freshers

These are some formats for freshers which you can use while applying for a banking job. The format is the same as mentioned above.

Sample Resume for MBA freshers

Here are a few resume formats which you can use for mechanical engineering some of them are modern designed resumes or a few are simple resumes you can download any.

Sample Resume for MBA freshers

These are some resume samples for fresher software engineers resumes. You can create your own resume by taking ideas from the given images or you can download the given files and edit it as per your need.

Sample Resume for MBA freshers

Here are a few sample resume formats for BCA freshers. You can download the attached file below and modify it as per your requirements.

Sample Resume for MBA freshers

As you know teaching is a professional job you can also use a simple format that is already attached in this article and a few of them I attached below.

Sample Resume for MBA freshers

I will keep on adding more and more different kind of resume format in this. In case you want any specific kind of resume please let me know.

If you are looking for job you can also visit to the website which I mentioned below.

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