Video Marketing Course: Learn Video Marketing Strategy

Video Marketing Course
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Hi friends in this post we will discuss a video marketing course and you will know about the best video marketing strategy. Do you post videos for your brand? If not, you’re falling behind. Today, many people spend a lot of their time watching video content online. About 27% of online viewers watch for around 10hours every week. Where views go, ad dollars also follow.

Based on video marketing statistics, 88% of consumers agree that they buy a product or service if they watch the brand’s video. And about 86% of businesses have adopted videos to market their brands. Your customers will retain more of your brand information after watching a video than reading a text. That’s why you should incorporate video marketing into your campaigns.

Videos are more engaging and allow you to reach a greater audience. YouTube alone has about 2.3 billion users who spend billions of hours watching. Can you imagine such a huge audience watching your brand video? Isn’t that a great market to win more buyers? Well, you can achieve a lot with video marketing. However, you need a video marketing strategy to get started.

Start with a Clear Plan

You may have heard that failure to plan is planning to fail. That’s true when it comes to video marketing. Lack of a clear plan will leave you lost in the video creation process. Before setting up, shooting, or editing anything, you need to figure out the purpose of your videos.

When planning for your video creation, ensure to determine your audience. Without knowing who you’re marketing with your videos, your video marketing strategy will be a total failure. With your videos, you can research and develop a buyer’s person to target the right group.

You should also have video marketing goals in your mind at the planning stage. Do you want to increase sales or promote more brand awareness? Or do you aim to launch your new brand? Coming up with goals is vital since it helps you measure your efforts now when you have achieved your targets. Besides, visualizing your goals helps determine what is working and what is not in your video marketing strategy.

Craft Your Budget

Though you don’t have to empty your savings account to launch offensive video marketing campaigns, you should have a budget. Remember that spending tons of money on your video doesn’t automatically translate to a huge success. On the flip side, if you don’t spend enough on far-reaching marketing campaigns can hurt your brand’s overall image, like posting a low-quality video.

When making video content, maintain your campaign goal in mind and ensure you spend your budget well. Do you want to win over the millennial? You may not need to spend too much producing your videos. Just consider using short videos for Instagram, Twitter, or Snapchat.

If you have a larger budget and want to keep your brand top of mind, you can spend on expensive equipment like cameras, a tripod, and an external microphone to tell captivating brand stories like in Hollywood. You may also recruit an influencer to be featured in your brand videos if your budget allows.ย 

Choose Where to Host Your Videos

Where do you intend to post your videos? The choice of your platform determines the success of your video marketing strategy. Ensure to check where your target audience hangs before you choose your channel. Also, consider various requirements needed by platforms where you want to post.

While you’ve many options for platforms, not all of them are beneficial to your brand. Depending on your target audience or brand, you can use three social media. Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Snapchat, decide on the one that suits your brand.

Determine Types of Video you want to create

What type of video do you seek to produce? That’s a vital question when planning to launch your video marketing strategy. If you intend to showcase your brand, you can go for demo videos. Do you aim to showcase your company’s mission high-level vision? Consider a brand video.

ย But when seeking to empower your potential buyers, an explainer video will be a perfect video showing how your brand works and the benefits buyers get from what you offer. A testimonial video will also do your brand good to build trust around your products or services.

Develop your Video Script

Scripting is an important step you shouldn’t miss. You will get yourself editing too much than you require if you do. Or release your video longer than you expected. It could also make you lose your audience along the way.

Ensure to keep your video scrip short. To develop a quality video, you may request a few people to read your script several times. Here, you can make all changes you need if you accidentally say your lines are different than what your script requires.

Shooting and Editing

You should only capture the clips you will use in your project. When shooting, do proper timing and balance lighting in your clips. Once you have enough footage you require, organize and begin editing. You can use an online video editor to cut and trim unwanted sections in your footage.

Ensure to do color correction and add super transitions in your video to make it more appealing. Don’t forget to choose the right music for your video. Music is good for setting the tone and attracting your audience to watch. But ensure your sound effects add value to your video. Many video editor tools provide a free music library. Choose what suits your content.

Optimize Your Videos for Ranking

To get maximum engagement, you need to optimize your videos. Do you want to post on YouTube? Get the correct title and use keywords for your video. You can also add captions and quality video descriptions. The majority of online viewers watch through mobile devices. That means you make your video accessible through mobile.

When posting on Facebook, keep your video short. Many viewers want short content. Apart from that, you should upload your videos directly to your channel. That way, your videos will attract huge engagement.

Promote Your Video and include a Call to Action

Don’t rely on one platform to share your brand video. Post your content on multiple social media. That way, you will widen your reach. You can post on your landing page and other platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and even Pinterest.

Ensure to include a call to action in your video. That helps your audience to take the next course of action after viewing. You may add a link that takes your audience to your products or services.


Videos will propel your brand to another level. You can consider the above tips to develop a winning video marketing plan if you are starting. You can begin creating videos with what you have, like a smartphone. But in case you have a good budget, you can spend on high-quality equipment to create brand videos.

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