Cloud Computing Myths for the Legal Industry

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The legal industry has embraced cloud technology more slowly than other industries. Much of this delay is due to misconceptions about cloud computing. In this article, five of the most popular cloud technology myths for law firms are dispelled.

When working from home, on the move or at the office, cloud technology allows lawyers to access their documents and data anytime, anyplace. This is particularly crucial for lawyers who work on cases from other locations and for firms that employ remote workers. Cloud solutions allow lawyers to collaborate on the same case documents, regardless of where they are.

Many of the popular software programs for law such as e-discovery software such as client portals, client portals, and case management systems, are hosted on the cloud. This allows solo and small law firms to gain access to sophisticated software applications that they might not be able to afford without the assistance of outside development teams.

Cloud-based solutions are not just economical, but they also remove the need for costly office equipment and space. Instead a law firm can pay on a monthly basis the storage and application capacity that it needs. This allows smaller law firms to better manage their IT costs, and avoid the possibility of having to invest in technology that will be quickly becoming obsolete.

Additionally, cloud-based technology can be more secure than paper files or local servers. Files stored in the cloud are protected by encryption and backup regularly, making them difficult to hack into than local files secured by locked doors or traditional server systems.


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