Free Stock Market Courses For Beginners In India

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Are you searching for free stock market courses for beginners in India ? Do you want to learn the secrets of the stock market from the comfort of your home? Are you looking for free stock trading courses online to become a subject matter expert?

If your answer is yes, then you are at the right place.


Earlier, people do not look up to the stock market as a career option because of the risk. But today, many people are selecting it as a career. Making huge profits is not the only reason behind this. Presence of proper training providers has helped many to gain knowledge and start their career as a stockbroker.

Investing in stocks has become highly popular these days. But as a beginner, it can prove to be risky for you. You must equip yourself with proper training to handle complex situations.

This article covers why the stock market is a lucrative career option, how beginners can start investing in stocks, and answers to your frequently asked questions.

We have also compiled a list of the best free online stock market courses in India in which you can enroll and learn the trade secrets.

Today many people are learning and opting for the stock market as a full-time career. The credit goes to online learning options that are available nowadays. Before that, only people with a finance background can get entry into various offline institutes. Also, flexible work-from-home opportunities and high return on investments make it a more sort after field.

If you love to read, learn, and have analytical skills, you can learn stock trading. Let us discuss a few qualities that are required before you enroll in any course.


Basic Knowledge of Computer and Internet – You must be familiar with computers, software, apps, and internet browsing. As you will be learning and executing everything online, you must be flexible in handling the computer.


Reading and Learning Skills – To become a successful trader, you should either have or develop a habit to read and learn new concepts. You can read books, blogs, and case-studies of successful traders.


Save Money First โ€“The stock market is unpredictable. You don’t need to make a profit. So, do not invest your entire savings. Is it possible to survive if you lose all the money? The answer is no. So, invest only a small portion of it. Once you build confidence, you can invest more.


Have a Long-term Goal โ€“ Starting is easy, but most people give up midway due to lack of funds. You cannot make instant profits. You must be willing to give at least 5 to 10 years to reap profits. So, start investing only a portion of your savings and when you make enough money, invest more.

Free Stock market courses for beginners in India with Certification

Whether you are a beginner or an expert, if you want to polish your fundamentals, enrolling in a free stock market course is the best choice.

The demand for skilled traders is increasing, so many students now opt to explore this money-making opportunity. It does not matter whether you operate from home or join a company; the return that you get for your efforts remains the same.

A free stock market course will help you learn effective trading strategies, reduce investment risk, set financial goals, and learn to make money. You will also know whether this field is suitable for you or not.

Here we have shortlisted the three best free stock market courses for complete beginners.

Skillshare.comIFMC offers many free courses such as fundamental and technical analysis, intraday trading, and trading strategies. They have a YouTube channel where you can learn about these free courses.

  • DURATION โ€“ Different for each course (12 to 26 video lectures).
  • LEVEL – Beginner.
  • CERTIFICATE โ€“ Not available. Many free stock market courses, such as basics of financial markets, mutual funds, fundamental and technical analysis, are available on this platform.

  • DURATION โ€“ Different for each course.
  • LEVEL – Beginner.
  • CERTIFICATE โ€“ Not available. โ€“ Stock market investing for beginners course by Udemy is free and helps you understand the complexities of the stock market.

  • DURATION โ€“ Duration as per the opted course.
  • LEVEL – Beginner.
  • CERTIFICATE โ€“ Available.

stock market courses for beginners

How beginners should start investingInvesting in the stock market is a great way to earn money. It is a good option for long-term investors. Investment is not complex as there are many tools available today to help you. As a beginner, you must know what steps to follow to minimize the chances of risk.

  • First, you should decide the way you want to invest in a stock market. You can do everything yourself or select an expert to guide you.
  • Choose the investing account you want to open. You can open a brokerage account to make investments according to your knowledge. Or, you can open a Robo-advisor account where companies take care of your investing goals and prepare a portfolio for you.
  • Decide whether you want to invest in mutual funds (compilation of different stocks in a single transaction) or individual stocks.
  • Decide how much money you are ready to invest.
  • Focus on long-term goals. Follow a strategy, and do not check the status of your investment several times a day.


Why it is a good and growing fieldThe stock market is an ever-growing field. The employment opportunities have increased manifolds due to the expansion of the trading industry. People from different backgrounds are getting interested in stock trading like never before. To become successful, you must possess basic knowledge of financial statements, technical and fundamental analysis.

Here are a few reasons why stock trading is a good and growing field:

  • Though a degree in finance, mathematics, accounting, or economics is preferred but is not necessary. You can learn by enrolling in various courses related to the stock market.
  • Also, there is no minimum age to start trading. Both minors and adults can learn and earn from trading.
  • It is more flexible as compared to a 9 to 5 job. You can plan your career and be your boss.
  • There are many job opportunities, such as investment and financial advisor, financial analyst, stockbroker, market researcher, risk analyst, equity analyst, mutual fund manager, etc.


How beginners can kick start their career in Stock MarketThe demand for trained stock market professionals is multiplying. You must have a passion for constantly learning and improving.

  • As a beginner, decide which field you want to work in and acquire a relevant degree in that field to stand out from your competitors.
  • Read a lot. It will increase your knowledge base. You have to keep yourself updated with the current happenings and apply the knowledge you have gained.
  • Get yourself certified. Take a professional stock market course to certify yourself as a subject matter expert. It will increase your credibility and show seriousness towards your profession.
  • Choose your mentor wisely. No one can make accurate predictions. But an experienced mentor can help you to face complicated situations with ease.
  • In the beginning, it is essential to choose wisely with whom you work. Your career growth depends on the choices you make at the early stages of your career.

Best way to learn the stock market in India

The share market is highly volatile and uncertain. As a beginner, you should trade carefully as it can lead to heavy losses. So learn the basics of how the stock market works and make the appropriate investment.

Here are a few ways to learn stock trading :

  • Open a Stock Market Account โ€“ Opening a Demat account is the most necessary step to learn the stock market. Also, check whether the broker offers a virtual trading tool to practice stock trading.
  • Gain Knowledge by Reading โ€“ You can buy a top-selling book or read articles on a popular website to gain deep knowledge of how share markets work.
  • Follow Successful Investors โ€“ The teachings, experiences, and success stories of successful investors will help you in your journey as a stock trader.
  • Take Online Courses โ€“ Enrol in a share market course online to learn about resources and skills required to succeed.
  • Invest Small Amount as a Beginner โ€“ Practical learning is a must to gain experience. You can start with a small amount to bear the loss in the beginning. It will help you to learn from your mistakes.

Best online stock trading courses in India free

There are several online stock market courses and selecting the best one is not easy. So, here we have compiled a list of the best five websites that offer the best share market courses online.

Top 5 website for online content writing courses India

Kundankishore.inItย offers in-depth training covering stock market topics from beginner to advance level. He is on a mission to educate people on how to trade without getting cheated.

  • DURATION โ€“ 50+ hours
  • LEVEL – Beginner to Advance
  • CERTIFICATE โ€“ Available

ย โ€“ IFMC is an ISO-certified institute. It offers many free and paid courses to learn share trading strategies. It has won an excellence award at India, New Delhi City Icon Awards.

  • DURATION โ€“ 1 to 6 months
  • LEVEL – Beginner
  • CERTIFICATE โ€“ Available

ย โ€“ With more than ten years of experience, they offer a wide range of comprehensive trading courses. They offer live webinars and lifetime support to their students.

  • DURATION โ€“ 1 to 5 days
  • LEVEL – Beginner
  • CERTIFICATE โ€“ Available

ย ICFM offers many beginner-level courses, such as financial market professional, algo trader, technical analyst, etc.

  • DURATION โ€“ 1 to 3 months
  • LEVEL – Beginner
  • CERTIFICATE โ€“ Available


Onlinenifm.comNIFM offers many certified stock trading courses, such as a smart investor, research and technical analysis, financial market management, etc.

  • DURATION โ€“ 4 to 12 months
  • LEVEL – Beginner to Advance
  • CERTIFICATE โ€“ Available


The best way to learn the stock market for free is to open a stockbroker account, read a lot, take training from an experienced mentor, and start practicing with a minimal amount.

You can go through various articles to equip yourself with the trading concept. Also, there are many free basic to advanced courses available online to study at your own pace.

Enrolling in an online course or starting your journey under an experienced trader is the best way to learn stock market trading basics. This article has listed many beneficial free and paid stock market courses in which you can enroll.

As a beginner, gain knowledge by reading articles, books and study the techniques of successful investors. Take online stock market courses and learn the trade secrets before making a real-time investment.

To learn trading open a stock trading account, take online classes to get familiar with the basics, learn to do technical analysis, and build strategies to minimize risk while investing.


Our education system does not teach you about money management systems. As a result, many people consider investing in the stock market not easy.

This article covers the best online courses for stock market investing. You can learn from them and make trading a full-time profession or make it a part of your investment portfolio.

You can learn the stock market from scratch so that you can grow your income to gain financial security besides earning a good income. stock market investing.

If you like to know more about Stock Market Courses with Certification you can read our other blogs as well.

Check beautiful stock market infographics to have a better understanding in the minimum time.

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