
why we sleep unlocking the power of sleep and dreams

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Book Chapters:

  1. The Importance of Sleep
  2. The Science of Sleep
  3. The Sleep Cycle
  4. Sleep Disorders
  5. The Benefits of Sleep
  6. Sleep and Memory
  7. Dreams and Dreaming
  8. Sleep and Emotional Regulation
  9. Sleep and Creativity
  10. Sleep and Physical Performance.
  • Categories: Medicine – Neurology
  • Year: 2017
  • Edition: Illustrated
  • Publisher: Scribner
  • Language: English
  • Pages: 368
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In this book, why we sleep unlocking the power of sleep and dreams we will explore the cutting-edge scientific research on sleep and dreams. We will appear at the a number levels of sleep, the mechanisms that adjust sleep, and the methods in which sleep influences our bodily and mental health. We will study the link between sleep and memory, creativity, emotional regulation, and bodily performance.

We will also discover the fascinating world of dreams, discussing the specific kinds of dreams and the position they play in our lives. We will seem at the many sleep problems that affect millions of human beings global and discuss the brand new treatments and treatments available.

Finally, we will have a look at the affect of present day science on our sleep patterns and the ways in which society views and values sleep. By the quit of this book, why we sleep unlocking the power of sleep and dreams pdfย  you will have a larger perception of the significance of sleep and the many advantages it provides.

According to an amazon book review, this book got a rating of 5 – 4.5 rating and if want to listen to an Audible Audiobook for free.


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